16.000 people packed the Pagkritio for the magnificent concert of Paschalis Terzis

The concert of Paschalis Terzis, which took place on Wednesday 26/09/2007 at the Pankritio Stadium, was magnificent, with more than 16.000 people cheering for the beloved performer in the biggest concert ever held in Crete.

After 23 years Paschalis Terzis, for the first time in Crete, gave the opportunity to thousands of people who attended the stands of the stadium to enjoy a truly top program.

A program that included songs by him and other artists that we all have loved. Songs that we have fallen in love with them, we have felt great emotions, songs that were a milestone in the career of the great folk singer, songs that touched and continue to touch every age.

The longest concert (3½ hours) of the summer gave the audience moments of magic and the best impressions, both from an artistic and organizational point of view.

And this concert was a production of Cretan Art Productions, which closed the cycle of summer concerts with great success and promises you even more for the next season.