George Hintirakis presents: "It's a disease the songs you love to sing"

Giorgos Hintirakis presents a musical three-day event dedicated to three of the leading composers who shaped the modern Greek song with their notes, entitled "It's a sickness to sing the songs you love to sing"!

Tuesday 12/12 "Good evening Mr. Xarchakos"
Wednesday 13/12 "Yannis Spanos the Melodist"
Thursday 14/12 "Mimis Plessas made it"

Biographical texts, image/video projections and performances of their most characteristic songs by exceptional musicians and singers.

Participants: Teresa Kritiko, Eleni Seloundou, Georgia Pratopoulou, Natasha Psaroudaki, Myrto Spuroopoulou, Yannis Kassotakis, Nikos Liapis, George Glykokokalos.

Music supervision by Konstantinos Papadakis

At the small Experimental Stage of the Heraklion Cultural Centre.
Start time 21:00 / Entrance with free individual invitations.

Organised by: the Region of Crete
Under the auspices of the Cultural Conference Centre of Heraklion

Production:Cretanart Productions